viernes, 31 de octubre de 2014

       El presente blog se ha creado para cumplir el objetivo de la Tarea 10 del curso USO DE REA EN AICLE, en donde se nos pide el diseño de los materiales, que emplearé para llevar a cabo la unidad que anteriormente he planteado. Indicar que la unidad propuesta se centra en el estudio de la literatura barroca en España y, se encuadra dentro de la metodología AICLE. Al respecto, me gustaría indicar que la educación de nuestro tiempo debe guardar relación con la época en la que se da; un siglo XXI caracterizado por las tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación, la inmediatez y la globalización, la cual requiere de un idioma “universal” para poder entendernos con cualquier habitante del globo terráqueo. Y, el llamado idioma universal es el inglés. Este es el motivo por el cual es interesante que en nuestras aulas se instale de manera paulatina pero segura la metodología AICLE, la cual aúna el estudio de una materia cualquiera en una L2 con el uso de las TICs. Por otro lado, a día de hoy, la gran mayoría de los REA y recursos educativos no están pensados para AICLE; no existen repositorios de materiales propiamente AICLE, aunque algunos portales contienen contenidos AICLE, por ello es importante la creación de espacios que contengan materiales para AICLE, al respecto, y como ya comentado se propondrá aquí una serie de recursos para el estudio de la literatura barroca española, que si bien no serán suficientes para el estudio completo de la unidad, puede servir de ayuda o ejemplo para cualquier docente que lo precise. Así, y siguiendo con las instrucciones de la tarea realizaré tres apartados: uno para la selección y adaptación de textos, otro para la elaboración de una actividad que cumpla con el concepto del andamiaje y, otro para la creación de un ejercicio interactivo en línea.

jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014


Los recursos empleados en este apartado son de tipo didáctico y tanto los textos como la presentación (imagen) son recursos de contenido de la materia, no lingüísticos.

SPANISH BAROQUE LITERATURE. The literary Baroque took place in Spain during the  Golgen Age of Spanish literature. It spans from the first works of Góngora and Lope de Vega around 1580 to the middle of the 18th century. The most characteristic century of the Baroque is the 17th century, when the best authors of the time published their most outstanding works.
Spanish Baroque literature has many common traits between the works of different authors, as it normally happens with artistic movements. During the Spanish Baroque, the authors suffered from a deep pessimism at the utter failure of the Renaissance ideals, which promised happiness and perfection. Instead, they got a world riddled with wars, sickness and deep economic and political problems. Disappointment set in, and life was regarded only as a journey through time during which anything and everything that was bad could, and probably would, happen. Death was regarded at the "cure" for this, as it promised peaceful rest and eternal salvation away form the agony of life's tragedies. This gave way to a deep preoccupation about the passage of time, a distrust of everything earthly and a deep melancholy characteristic to all Spanish Baroque literature authors. The Baroque symbolism was very rich, and to understand it all you'd need to take several courses on it, but some are skeletons and skulls, symbolizing the brevity of life, and clocks, symbolizing the passage of time.
There were a few different literary reactions to this pessimistic feeling, and each author developed their own way of expressing the unhappiness and dissatisfaction that the political, social and economical situation that Spain was going through caused them. Some, like Lope de Vega, tried to evade from the world that caused them so much pain by writing about the glories of days past; others like Góngora preferred to hide within the folds of  art and mythology. A more happy way of dealing with the harsh reality was by satirizing it, and this was Quevedo's way of evading from the world that displeased him. 

- What fits the Baroque era and takes place in what century?
-Why the baroque authors were suffering pessimism? How does it manifest? With what symbols?
-How do authors expressed pessimism as Lope, Gongora and Quevedo?

Picaresque novel, early form of novel, usually a first-person narrative, relating the adventures of a rogue or low-born adventurer (Spanish picaro) as he drifts from place to place and from one social milieu to another in his effort to survive. In its episodic structure the picaresque novel resembles the long, rambling romances of medieval chivalry, to which it provided the first realistic counterpart. Unlike the idealistic knight-errant hero, however, the picaro is a cynical and amoral rascal who, if given half a chance, would rather live by his wits than by honourable work. The picaro wanders about and has adventures among people from all social classes and professions, often just barely escaping punishment for his own lying, cheating, and stealing. He is a casteless outsider who feels inwardly unrestrained by prevailing social codes and mores, and he conforms outwardly to them only when it serves his own ends. The picaro’s narrative becomes in effect an ironic or satirical survey of the hypocrisies and corruptions of society, while also offering the reader a rich mine of observations concerning people in low or humble walks of life.
The picaresque novel originated in Spain with Lazarillo de Tormes (1554).

-What characteristic does the picaro?
-What provides the picaresque novel the reader?
-Find more book belonging to the picaresque novel.


      Teniendo en cuenta que la tarea final de la unidad consistirá en realizar por parejas una exposición breve  sobre alguna temática/concepto de la Literatura Barroca, se irán realizando a lo largo de las sesiones diferentes actividades de apoyo a dicha tarea final, es decir, actividades de andamiaje, estas serán de contenido lingüístico y de contenido de materia. Concretamente, expondré (a modo de ejemplo) dos actividades de cada tipo. Las cuatro son recursos didácticos; las tres primeras tienen como soporte el texto y la cuarta el vídeo y, todas corresponden a una tarea de reproducción.

A) In pairs: seek in dictionary meaning of the words. Repeat aloud and realize a sentence for each word.
  Example: “Baroque writers turned to mythology to write his works.”
                   Decline                       complexity          mythology
                   Disappointment       contrastive          theater
                  Pessimism                 topics                    rascal
                  Unhappiness            variety                  cynical
                   Dissatisfaction          style                      wits

B) Reviewed the comparative. Write a comparative phrase for each of these pairs of concepts.
- Renaissance /Baroque:
- Picaresque novel/ didactic novel:
- Culteranismo/Conceptismo:
- Court theater/ “Corrales” of comedy:

                Example: “Renaissance was more optimistic than the Baroque.”

C) True or false. Full table.

Baroque began in the seventeenth century.

A baroque theme is concern over time.

Baroque is a time of balance and serenity.

Culteranismo is mainly based on the background, not on how.

The conceptismo is representative of Quevedo.

Gongora wrote  La fábula de Polifemo y Galatea.

The picaro comes from a family of high social class.

Didactic prose was used to propagate the cult of beauty.

An innovation in the theater of Lope was the breakdown of the classical rule of the three units.

Calderon de la Barca wrote a simpler theater.

D) The following video comes from the “Corrales de Comedia”. It is in Spanish and asks that you see the video and then make a summary of the content in English.

miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2014


Tal como se nos pide, adjunto un ejercicio interactivo en línea bajo la metodología AICLE. Se trata de un recurso didáctico lúdico que permite repasar y afianzar contenidos tanto lingüísticos como de materia no lingüística.